Figure 36.
Dust Collection
DO NOT operate the Model G0690 or G0691
without an adequate dust collection system.
This saw creates substantial amounts of
wood dust while operating. Failure to use a
dust collection system can result in short
and long-term respiratory illness.
Recommended CFM at Dust Port: 400 CFM
Do not confuse this CFM recommendation with
the rating of the dust collector. To determine the
CFM at the dust port, you must consider these
variables: (1) CFM rating of the dust collector,
(2) hose type and length between the dust col-
lector and the machine, (3) number of branches
or wyes, and (4) amount of other open lines
throughout the system. Explaining how to cal-
culate these variables is beyond the scope of
this manual. Consult an expert or purchase a
good dust collection "how-to" book.
To connect a dust collection hose:
Figure 36
Note: A tight fit is necessary for proper
Components and Hardware Needed: Qty
Power Connection
7Z[dgZ i]Z bVX]^cZ XVc WZ XdccZXiZY id i]Z
edlZg hdjgXZ! Vc ZaZXig^XVa X^gXj^i VcY XdccZX"
i^dc YZk^XZ bjhi WZ egZeVgZY eZg i]Z POWER
SUPPLY hZXi^dc ^c i]^h bVcjVa! VcY Vaa egZk^"
djh hZije ^chigjXi^dch ^c i]^h bVcjVa bjhi WZ
XdbeaZiZ id ZchjgZ i]Vi i]Z bVX]^cZ ]Vh WZZc
Connecting Power
Figure 37. Connecting power.
1. Ijgci]ZbVX]^cZedlZghl^iX]OFF#
2. >chZgi i]Z edlZg XdgY eaj\ ^cid V bViX]^c\
edlZg hjeean gZXZeiVXaZ# I]Z bVX]^cZ ^h
Disconnecting Power
Figure 38. Disconnecting power.
1. Ijgci]ZbVX]^cZedlZghl^iX]OFF#
2. <gVhei]ZbdaYZYeaj\VcYejaa^iXdbeaZiZan