
       
      
To install the tooling:
1. 
2. 
3. 
4. 
        
5.      
6. 
7.       
     
Note: Do not overtighten the drawbar.
Overtightening makes collet removal difficult
and will damage the drawbar threads, collet,
and the spindle taper. Keep in mind that the
taper keeps the collet and tool in place. The
drawbar simply aids in seating the taper.
Loading Tooling
To remove the collet:
1. 
2. 
3.         
4.       
Leading edges of end mills
and other cutting tools can
be very sharp. Protect your
hands with gloves or a shop
towel when handling.
5.        
      
     
The Model G0704 drawbar will extract the
arbor from the spindle. Once the arbor or
collet has broken free from the spindle
taper, be sure to properly support it while
continuing to loosen the drawbar. Failure
to properly support the arbor or collet
while loosening the drawbar will result in
the arbor or collet falling out of the spindle,
causing damage to machine components.