G7947/G7948 12 Speed Floor Drill Press
For your convenience, the adjustments listed
below have been performed at the factory; how-
ever, because of the many variables involved
with shipping, we recommend that you at least
verify the following adjustments before operating
your machine—this will ensure that you know the
operating tolerances of your machine, and you
have them adjusted to your expectation.
Step-by-step instructions for these adjustments
can be found in SECTION 7: SERVICE
Factory adjustments that should be verified:
1. Depth Stop Calibration (Page 38)
2. Feed Shaft Spring Tension (Page 38)
Needed Materials for Base Plate Qty
• Plywood
⁄4" x 23
⁄4" x 23
⁄4" ........................ 2
• Wood Glue ................................. As Needed
• Wood Screws #6 x 1
⁄4" ............................ 24
To make and use the base plate:
1. Glue the two pieces of plywood together,
and align the edges and corners so the two
boards make one thick piece.
2. Use the wood screws to fasten the boards
together from both sides.
3. Allow 24 hours for the glue to dry before
placing the drill press on it.
4. Place the base plate on the mobile base.
5. Drill holes through the base plate and the
metal plates at the corners of the mobile
6. Secure the base plate to the mobile base
with hex bolts, hex nuts, flat washers and
lock washers, as shown in
Figure 23.
Drill presses are top-heavy and must be
securely attached to a large-footprint base
plate when used with a mobile base. Failure
to use a base plate greatly increases pos-
sibility of tipping and personal injury.
Figure 23. Mounting base plate to mobile base.
7. Place the drill press on the base plate.
8. Position the drill press close to the front of the
mobile base, so the mobile base will not be a
tripping hazard.
9. Mount the drill press to the base plate with
lag bolts and flat washers (
Figure 24); or with
through bolts, flat washers, and hex nuts.
Figure 24. Drill press mounted on mobile base,
using a base plate for support.
Note: Use 2
⁄4" long hex bolts.