
H3124 Banjo Kit
To attach the neck to the banjo rim:
1. Place the neck fretboard-side-down on a non
marring surface and insert the coordinator
bolt into the heel of the neck.
2. Thread the #10 X 2 tap screw into the neck
and through the coordinator bolt as shown in
Figure 9.
To install the coordinator rod:
1. Thread the remaining nut and a washer into
the center of the coordinator rod.
2. Thread the coordinator rod through the hole
in the rim from the inside. Note—The washer
needs to be between the nut and the banjo
3. Thread the tailpiece lug and a washer onto
the coordinator rod. Make sure the coordina-
tor rod does not block the hole in the tailpiece
4. Thread the coupler onto the coordinator rod
and the coordinator bolt, as shown in Figure
10, and finger tighten only.
Coordinator Rod
Figure 9. Installing the coordinator bolt.
Figure 10. Installing the coordinator rod.
3. Attach the neck to the rim by feeding the
coordinator bolt through the large hole in the
banjo rim, and threading the large bolt and
washer tightly against the rim. Tighten with
the included adjustable wrench.
5. Tighten the coordinator rod nuts and washer
against the banjo rim.
Coordinator Rod
Coordinator Rod Nut
Coordinator Rod Nut
Coordinator Bolt