Chapter 6 Page 119
■ Time Format. Defines the format of the time display. The choices are
No Time, 11p, 11:30p, 23, 23:30.
■ Display To Do. Defines where To Do items will appear on the Date
Book Plus screen. The choices are Top, Bottom, and Hide.
■ Week Start. Defines the first day of the week for Week View with Text.
■ Wordwrap Single Entry. Wraps text in cells that contain a single event
to display as much text as will fit in the cell.
■ Hide Untimed Floating Events. Removes untimed floating events from
the Week View with Text display.
■ Show Journal. Displays a Daily Journal entry.
■ Include Week Numbers in Title. Displays the selected week number in
the title bar.
■ Show Timed Events. Displays events that you assigned to a specific
■ Show Untimed Events. Displays events that you assigned to a date, but
did not assign to a specific time.
■ Show Daily Repeating Events. Displays events that repeat each day.
■ Include Week Numbers in Title. Displays week numbers in the title bar
for the first and last weeks in the month.
■ Show Zero Duration Events. Displays events that have no duration in
the Month View display.