Section 4
56 Applications Overview
Expense lets you keep track of your expenses and then transfer the
information to a spreadsheet on your computer.
In Expense, you can do the following:
ᮣ Record dates, types of expenses, amount spent, payment method, and
other details associated with any money that you spend.
ᮣ Assign expense items to categories so that you can organize and view
them in logical groups.
ᮣ Keep track of vendors (companies) and people involved with each
particular expense.
ᮣ Log miles traveled for a particular date or expense category.
ᮣ Sort your expenses by date or expense type.
ᮣ Transfer your expense information to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
(version 5.0 or later) on your computer. (Microsoft Excel is not
included in the PCS Treo 300 package.)
To open Expense:
1. Press Option .
2. Press Menu .
3. Tap the Expense icon .