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Q. Is the PRC file the same for monochrome handhelds and color handhelds?
A. No. Color PalmOS handhelds use different hardware than monochrome
handhelds so different PRC files are required.
Q. I’m using the color version of the Mouse PRC and sometimes the mouse gets
trapped in the menu bar at the very top of the screen. What do I do?
A. You must have opened the menu by tapping on the screen. Press the Menu
button twice to close and re-open the menu. Next time, use the Menu button to
open up an application menu.
Q. I’m trying to update my mouse driver and HotSync fails to write the new
version over the existing one.
A. You must turn the Genovation PDA Mouse driver OFF before deleting or
updating it.
Q. I’m using the PDA Mouse with a thumb keyboard. Does the order I turn the
two drivers on matter?
A. It might (depending on how the keyboard driver works). Generally we
recommend turning the keyboard driver on first and then turn the PDA Mouse
driver on second. To turn the drivers off (say, to perform a HotSync) reverse that
order. So if you turned them on in the order just described, then turn the PDA
Mouse off first and then your keyboard driver.