
Chapter 2 Page 35
Using your computer keyboard
If you have a lot of data to enter, or prefer to use the computer
keyboard, you can use Palm™ Desktop software, or any supported
PIM, to enter information. You can then perform a HotSync
to synchronize the information on your computer with the
information on your handheld. All the main applications on your
handheld are available in Palm Desktop software and in most PIMs.
Refer to Palm Desktop online Help for more information on entering
data on your computer.
Importing data
If you have data stored in computer applications such as spreadsheets
and databases, or if you want to import data from another handheld
that is compatible with the Palm Computing
platform, you can
transfer the data to your Visor handheld without having to key it in
manually. Save the data in one of the file formats listed below, import
it into Palm Desktop software, and then perform a HotSync operation
to transfer the data to your handheld.
Palm Desktop software can import data in the following file formats:
Comma delimited (.csv, .txt): Address Book and Memo Pad only
Tab delimited (.tab, .tsv, .txt): Address Book and Memo Pad only
CSV (Lotus Organizer 2.x/97 Mapping): Address Book only
Date Book archive (.dba)
Address Book archive (.aba)
To Do List archive (.tda)
Memo Pad archive (.mpa)
Archive formats can only be used with Palm Desktop software. Use
the archive file formats to share information with other people who
use handhelds compatible with the Palm Computing
platform or to
create a copy of your important Palm Desktop information.