Section 1: Welcome To The Family
Thank you for choosing JBL Professional EON
Series loudspeakers. Since the launch of the very rst EON
systems in 1995 they have proven to be the loudspeaker system that is all things to everyone and as such
remain the best selling powered speaker in professional audio history; congratulations on your choice!
You have now just invested in the next generation of EON, and like the previous versions remain the portable,
practical, and powerful choice of industry professionals as well as amateur enthusiasts alike. While retaining
the durability and quality of previous generations, the new EONs also offer a host of improvements over the
previous models. First and foremost are higher-quality components such as transducers with Differential Drive
technology, which perform better while weighing less. The built-in ampliers are more powerful, the design
more portable and user-friendly, and the addition of mounting and ying points add up to an even more useful
and exible package.
In their quest to be ‘everything for everybody’, the EON Series loudspeakers offer unparalleled exibility
and scalability to provide a variety of solutions for every sound reinforcement need. There are ve models in
the series – four full-range systems and a subwoofer. Three of the full-range models are powered and one
passive. Why passive? A passive version offers the acoustic and physical features to those who just want to
upgrade their speakers.
With proper care your EON Series speakers should provide you with many years of awless performance,
and are exible enough to be a part of your sound reinforcement system even as it grows in scope.