Wet coal does not ow the same as dry coal,
therefore; the feed rate will change with wet coal. If
it is too wet, it may not feed at all. Wet coal can also
cause a sulfur odor.
The Verti-Flow™ System is de-
signed to burn rice coal (or buckwheat coal if rice is
not available). If buckwheat coal is burned, raise the
draft setting from .04 to .06. Larger coal will not feed
or burn properly.
Sometimes wood, paper, or other
foreign objects accidently end up in your coal bin and
can slow down or block the ow of coal. You may have
to empty the hopper to nd the blockage.
This can happen when
more than one person tend the stoker. One person does
not tell the others what adjustments were made.
A sulfur
smell may be noticed when a door is opened during
operation with wet or damp coal. This is normal. How-
ever, it is not recommended that wet coal be used or
the doors be opened for more than a few seconds while
burning to inspect the re or remove ashes.
in the chimney: These
will cause gases to escape from the unit. No unit will
function properly without draft. Any draft problem
should be corrected before use.
A draft inducer may be installed to increase
draft in marginal situations. The installation should
be performed by your dealer who is factory trained to
correct any problems on initial start up. After proper
installation, many years of trouble-free operation can
be expected.
No motors or lights will turn on.
1. Check AC power cord to the stoker control
2. Check the 3 amp fuse on the side panel of the
stoker timer. (replace only with a 3 amp 3 ag slow
blow fuse.)
Lights on the stoker control are on, but mo-
tors will not operate.
Solution: Check the AC power plugs from the motors
(are they securely plugged into the correct outlet?)
One of the motors will not operate.
Solution: Check if the light above the receptacle is
lit. Check the AC power plug from the motor (is it
securely plugged into the correct outlet?”
The motors are cycling on and off, but not
in the correct order.
Solution: Check the AC power plugs from the motors
(are they securely plugged into the correct outlet?)
Coal feeder motor will not turn on.
Solution: Check if the red light is lit, if not, check if
the feeder motor switch is turned on.
The motors turn on and off as programmed,
but the water temperature is below the thermostat
Solution: Check the connections from the stoker
control to the aquastat.