030901693061 Ab MONOPOLY World Editi
Originator: PC
Approval: First
n (Electronic Banking) Instructions (USA)
OD: 00.00 File Name: 01693i061.indd
If you land on an unowned property, you
have the fi rst choice to buy it. If you decide
to buy, pay the banker the price stated on
that space. You will receive that property’s
Title Deed card as proof of ownership. Keep
it face up in front of you. If you decide not
to buy, it is up for grabs! See
, below.
Owning a property entitles you to collect
rent from any players who land on that
space. Once you own all the sites in one
color group, i.e. you own a monopoly,
you can build houses and hotels on sites
in that group and collect more rent!
If you land on an unowned
property and don’t want
to buy it for its asking
price, the banker must
immediately auction it to the highest bidder.
All auctions start at 10K MONOPOLY dollars.
The banker presses the deal button on the
banker unit to start the red light fl ashing.
When you hear a sound and the red light
fl ashes faster, hurry to close the deal!
Whoever has the highest bid when the red
light goes off wins the deal. If the deal is
done before the red light goes off, the banker
presses the deal button to stop the timer.
Each deal is randomly timed – you could
have anywhere between 13 and 50 seconds.
All players can join in the auction, including
the banker and the player that landed on
the unowned property but didn’t want to
pay the asking price.
If your roll ends on a site that is owned by
another player, you must pay rent (unless
the site is mortgaged). The player who owns
the site must ask you for rent before the next
player rolls the dice. The amount payable
is shown on the Title Deed card and varies
according to the number of buildings on
the site.
If you own a whole color group, the rent
is doubled on any undeveloped site of that
group (i.e. a site without houses or hotels).
You can still collect double rent for the sites
without a mortgage.
Utilities are
bought and
auctioned in
the same
way as
If you land on
an owned utility, pay rent to the owner
according to the dice you rolled to get
there. If the owner has one utility, the rent
will be four times your dice roll, multiplied
by 10,000. If the owner has both utilities,
you must pay ten times the amount of
your dice roll, multiplied by 10,000.
Transports are bought and auctioned in the
same way as properties.
There are three types of property:
1. Sites 2. Transports 3. Utilities
If you land on an owned transport, pay the
amount stated on the Title
Deed card to the owner.
The amount payable is
shown on the Title Deed
card and depends on the
number of other transports
owned by that player.
Once you own all sites of a color
group, you can buy houses to put
on any of those spaces. The price
of a house is shown on the Title Deed card.
You can buy any house (or hotel) on your
turn or in between other players’ turns but
you must build evenly: you cannot build a
second house on a site until you have built
a house on every site in that group. You may
buy as many buildings as you wish, as long
as you can afford them! Houses may not be
built if any site of the same color group is
To buy a hotel, you must fi rst
have four houses on each
site of a complete color
group. Exchange the four
houses for a hotel and
pay the banker the price
shown on the Title Deed card. Only one
hotel may be built on any one site.
If the banker has no houses left, you must
wait for other players to return theirs before
you can buy any.
If a limited number of houses or hotels are
left and two or more players wish to buy
more than the banker has, the banker
auctions them off individually to the highest
bidder. The banker uses the deal button
to hold the auction (see
on page 8).
If you are low on funds, you can raise more
money by:
◆ Selling buildings
◆ Mortgaging property
◆ Selling property, utilities or transports
to another player for any agreed sum
(even if the property is mortgaged).
You may sell undeveloped sites, transports
and utilities to another player for a mutually
agreed price. You cannot sell a site if there
are any buildings on any of the sites in that
color group. You must fi rst sell all the
buildings on those sites to the banker.
Houses and hotels are sold to the banker
at half their original purchase price, stated
on the Title Deed card. You can sell on your
turn or in between other players’ turns.
Selling houses
You must sell houses evenly, in the same way
as they were bought.
Selling hotels
The banker will pay half the price of the
hotel plus half the price of the four houses
that were exchanged for the purchase of
the hotel.
Hotels can also be broken back down into
houses to raise money. To do this, sell a hotel
for half its cost and receive in exchange
four houses.
Mortgaging property
First sell any buildings, then turn the site’s
Title Deed card face down and collect your
mortgage amount shown on the back of
the card.
You keep all mortgaged property and no
other player can pay off your mortgage
to secure the property. Rent cannot be
collected on mortgaged property although
it can be collected for other properties in
that color group.
01693i061.indd Sec1:8-Sec1:901693i061.indd Sec1:8-Sec1:9 15/02/2010 14:4215/02/2010 14:42