
HearthStone Quality Home Heating Products, Inc ® Equinox Model 8000
MEDIUM HIGH: White Ash, Beech, Yellow Birch, Sugar
Maple, and Red Oak
MEDIUM LOW: Black Ash, White Birch, Grey Birch, Elm,
Norway Pine, Pitch Pine, Black Cherry, Soft Maple,
LOW: White Pine, White Cedar, Balsam Fir, Spruce, Aspen,
Basswood, Butternut, Hemlock
Moisture content also plays a key role in the performance of
your stove. Wood freshly cut from a living tree (green wood)
contains a great deal of moisture. As you might expect, green
wood burns poorly. You must season green wood before
using it in your wood stove. To season green wood properly,
split, stack, and allow it to air dry for a period of one year.
Stack the firewood on skids or blocks to keep it off the
ground, cover only the top of the stack. Plastic or tarps that
cover the sides of the woodpile trap moisture and prevent the
wood from drying. As for stacking, an old Vermonter said,
"The spaces between the logs should be large enough for a
mouse to get through, but not for the cat that's chasing it."
Do not store firewood within the stove's specified
clearances to combustible materials.
Once you understand the controls of your wood stove and
have the appropriate firewood, you are ready to start a fire.
It is imperative that your stove is "broken in" slowly.
Soapstone must be "seasoned"; over-firing a new stove may
cause soapstone to crack or may damage other stove parts.
Removing the moisture in the soapstone slowly is critical to
minimize the “shock” to the stone at its first exposure to high
firebox temperatures. In addition, any moisture remaining in
the asbestos-free furnace cement must also be slowly
removed to ensure adequate sealing and bonding.