1-6 Unpacking and Assembly
9. Remove the media spools, which are packed together under
the printer module.
Do not remove the printer module from the pallet at this
time. The printer rests on two shipping supports. You will
use these supports and two assembly supports to help
assemble the printer.
Replacement shipping packaging and instructions
are available from MacDermid ColorSpan Technical
Services (phone: 800-925-0563).
10. Refer to the following list to verify that you received all of the
parts and accessories.
Notify ColorSpan immediately if you are missing any of the
components listed below.
Parts List
Main Box Outside of Box:
◆ “Watch Me First” CD-ROM
◆ Unpacking & Assembly Diagram
◆ Declaration of Conformity
Inside of Box:
◆ Printer Module
◆ (1) Stand crossbar
◆ (2) Media spools with collets
◆ (1) Stand leg box
◆ (1) Ink tray box
◆ (1) Accessory box
Stand Leg Box
◆ (2) Stand legs
Ink Tray Box
◆ (2) Ink trays
Accessory Box
◆ (18) Black Phillips head screws
◆ (4) Silver Phillips head screws
◆ (2) Red-headed bolts
◆ (1) Service station
◆ (1) Ink maintenance kit: manual priming
bulb, purge clip, drain bottle
◆ (1) Fill system assembly
◆ (2) Spare ink tubes
(11) Color Map print mode cards
◆ (1) White point reference chip
◆ (1) Screwdriver
◆ (1) Hex wrench
◆ (1) VideoNet or Ethernet cable
◆ (3) U.S. domestic power cords
◆ (2) European power cords
◆ (3) International power plug adapters
Documentation, warranty, and software
license agreement