
About this Guide
HP StorageWorks 1000ux/1900ux/2300ux Optical Jukebox User’s Guide
Text symbols
The following symbols may be found in the text of this guide. They have the
following meanings:
WARNING: Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow
directions in the warning could result in bodily harm or death.
AVERTISEMENT : le non-respect de ces instructions expose l'utilisateur
à des risques potentiellement très graves.
AVVERTENZA: La mancata osservanza delle indicazioni fornite in un
messaggio così evidenziato, può provocare lesioni personali o mettere
in pericolo la vita dell'utente.
VORSICHT: In dieser Form hervorgehobener Text weist darauf hin, dass die
Nichtbeachtung der Anleitungen zu Verletzungen oder zum Tod führen kann.
ADVERTENCIA: el texto con esta marca indica que si no se siguen las
instrucciones, pueden producirse lesiones corporales o incluso la muerte.