File name: hp 12c_user's guide_English_HDPMBF12E44 Page: 206 of 209
Printered Date: 2005/7/29 Dimension: 14.8 cm x 21 cm
Programming Key Index
Program/Run. Toggles into and out of Program mode. Automatically sets
program to line 00 when returning to Run mode
(page 86)
Memory map. Describes the current allocation of memory; the number of lines
allotted to program memory and the number of available data registers
Program Mode Run Mode
In Program mode, function
keys are recorded in
program memory. Display
shows program memory
line number and the
keycode (keyboard row
and location in row) of the
function key.
In Run mode, function keys may be executed
as part of a recorded program or
individually by pressing from the keyboard.
Active Keys:
In Program mode only the
following keys are active;
they cannot be recorded in
program memory.
Clear program. Clears
program memory to all
i00 instructions and
resets calculator so
operations begin at line 00
of program memory. Resets
N to P08 r20
(page 95)
Pressed from
Resets calculator (in
Run mode) so
operations begin at
line 00 of program
memory. Does not
erase program
Executed as a
recorded program