Sending Queries to the Logic Analysis System
This program example contains the steps required to send a query to the
logic analysis system. Sending the query alone only puts the requested
information in an output buffer of the logic analysis system. You must follow
the query with an ENTER statement to transfer the query response to the
controller. When the query response is sent to the logic analysis system, the
query is properly terminated in the logic analyzer. If you send the query but
fail to send an ENTER statement, the logic analysis system will display the
error message "Query Interrupted" when it receives the next command from
the controller and the query response is lost.
10 !************************ QUERY EXAMPLE ***********************
20 ! for the HP 16500C/16501A Logic analysis system
30 !
40 ! ************************ OPTIONAL ***************************
50 ! The following two lines turn the headers and longform on so
60 ! that the query name, in its long form, is included in the
70 ! query response.
80 !
90 ! ************** NOTE ****************
100 ! If your query response includes real
110 ! or integer numbers that you may want
120 ! to do statistics or math on later, you
130 ! should turn both header and longform
140 ! off so only the number is returned.
150 ! *************************************
160 !
190 !
200 ! *************************************************************
210 ! Select the mainframe.
220 ! Always a 0 for the HP 16500C/16501A mainframe.
230 OUTPUT 707;":SELECT 0"
240 !
250 ! ****************************************************************
260 ! Dimension a string in which the query response will be entered.
270 !
280 DIM Query$[100]
290 !
300 ! ****************************************************************
Programming Examples
Sending Queries to the Logic Analysis System