Noticetousers of the Canadian telephone network/Note & rattention des utilisateurs du
r6seau t616phonique Canadien
This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications/Le present materiel
est conforme aux specifications techniques applicables d'lndustrie Canada.
The Ringer Equivalence Number is an indication of the maximum number of devices allowed to
be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any
combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the RENs of all the devices
does not exceed five/L'indice d'equivalence de la sonnerie (IES) sert a indiquer le nombre
maximal de terminaux qui peuvent 6tre raccordes a une interface tel6phonique. La terminaison
d'une interface peut consister en une combinaison quelconque de dispositifs, a la seule condition
que la somme d'indices d'equivalence de la sonnerie de tousles dispositifs n'exc_de pas 5.
For non-European customers
This product is approved for use only in the country in which it was purchased. Local country laws
may prohibit the use of this product outside the country of purchase. It is strictly forbidden by law
in virtually every country to connect nonapproved telecommunications equipment (fax machines)
to public telephone networks.
Use Hewlett-Packard support services
If you are unable tofind the answer you need inthe printed documentation supplied with your
product or on the web, you can contact your HP dealer or call the support phone number for your
country/region for help.
For the most current list of telephone support numbers and call costs information, go to
Before calling customer support
1 Make surethat
• Your unit is plugged in and turned on.
• The correct printcartridge is installed properly.
• The recommended paper is loaded inthe input tray.
2 Reset yourunit by unpluggingit andplugging itin again.
3 Ifyou needto speak toan HP CustomerSupport Representative:
• Haveyour serial numberready.
• Printa Self-Test Report.
• Be preparedto discuss yourproblem indetail.
4 Benear your unitwhen you call.
Prepareyour unit forshipment
Ifyouare requested to send in your unit for service, dothe following:
• Removethe print cartridge andplace itin anairtight bag so itwill not dryout. Do notsend the print cartridge
with the unit unless asked todo so.
• Ifyou do nothave the originalpacking material, you can request a replacementpackage setfrom HP
Customer Support.Shipping damage causedbyimproper packaging is notcovered under thewarranty.
• Includethese items in the box:
• A brief description of thesymptoms (sample prints are helpful).
• A copyof your sales slip or proof ofpurchase (to establish thewarranty period).
• Your name, address, and telephonenumber where you canbe reached duringthe day.
Specifications and regulatory information 59