Are all the printer covers closed securely?
Is there a media jam? If a paper jam message displays
and the Error indicator lights, go to one of the following
sections in this chapter on clearing a media jam.
3 Is the printer receiving data from the computer? If the Data
indicator blinks after a file is sent, the printer is receiving the
data. If not, check the following:
Is the printer on line? The online indicator should be on
and the message window should display IDLE.
Has the emulation been changed from ESP to an emula-
tion that doesn’t match the file you are sending? See
chapter 4, “Printer Configuration,” in the
Print a status page from the control panel. If you are
using the serial interface, is the baud rate (speed of data
transmission) of the printer, the computer, and your soft-
ware application the same? See chapter 4, “Printer Con-
figuration,” in the
If you still cannot identify the problem, contact your QMS
4 Is the printer printing codes or not printing at all when in
ESP mode?
Reconfigure the port to the specific printer emulation of
the file you are trying to print. See chapter 4, “Printer
Configuration,” in the
guide for instructions.
If a PostScript file prints PostScript emulation statements
while in ESP mode, increase the ESP timeout. See chap-
ter 4, “Printer Configuration,” in your
guide to
change it from the control panel.
If you continue to have problems with the ESP mode
selecting the appropriate printer emulation, contact your
QMS vendor.