Interface Access and System Information
Interface Access: Console/Serial Link, Web, and Telnet
Outbound Telnet to Another Device. This feature operates indepen-
dently of the telnet-server status and enables you to Telnet to another device
that has an IP address.
Syntax: telnet < ip-address >
For example:
HPswitch # telnet
Reconfigure Web Browser Access. In the default configuration, web
browser access is enabled.
Syntax: [no] web-management
To disable web browser access:
HPswitch(config)# no web-management
To re-enable web browser access:
HPswitch(config)# web-management
Reconfigure the Console/Serial Link Settings. You can reconfigure one
or more console parameters with one console command.
Syntax: console
[terminal <vt100 | ansi>]
[screen-refresh <1 | 3 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 45 | 60>]
<speed-sense | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 |38400 | 57600>]
[flow-control <xon/xoff | none>]
[inactivity-timer <0 1 5 10 15 20 30 60 120>]
[events <none | all | non-info | critical | debug]
Note If you change the Baud Rate or Flow Control settings for the switch, you
should make the corresponding changes in your console access device. Oth-
erwise, you may lose connectivity between the switch and your terminal
emulator due to differences between the terminal and switch settings for these
two parameters.
All console parameter changes except events require that you save the config-
uration with write memory and then execute boot before the new console
configuration will take effect.