Port Status and Basic Configuration
Using Friendly (Optional) Port Names
Displaying Friendly Port Names with Other Port Data
You can display friendly port name data in the following combinations:
■ show name: Displays a listing of port numbers with their corresponding
friendly port names and also quickly shows you which ports do not have
friendly name assignments. (show name data comes from the running-
config file.)
■ show interface <port-number>: Displays the friendly port name, if any, along
with the traffic statistics for that port. (The friendly port name data comes
from the running-config file.)
■ show config: Includes friendly port names in the per-port data of the
resulting configuration listing. (show config data comes from the startup-
config file.)
To List All Ports or Selected Ports with Their Friendly Port Names.
This command lists names assigned to a specific port.
Syntax: show name [port-list]
Lists the friendly port name with its corresponding port
number and port type. The show name command alone lists
this data for all ports on the switch.
For example:
Friendly port names
assigned in previous
Ports Without
"Friendly" Name
Figure 10-12. Example of Friendly Port Name Data for All Ports on the Switch