Configuring for Network Management Applications
Using SNMP Tools To Manage the Switch
Figure 13-4 shows the assigning of the Operator community on MgrStation1
to the CommunityOperatorReadWrite group. Any other Operator only has an
access level of CommunityOperatorReadOnly.
Add mapping to allow write access for
Operator community MgrStation1
Two Operator Access Levels
Figure 13-4. Assigning a Community to a Group Access Level
Table 13-1. SNMP Community Features
Feature Default Menu CLI Web
show SNMP communities n/a page page —
13-14 13-16
configure identity information none — page
configure community names
public page
MIB view for a community name
(operator, manager)
write access for default
community name unrestricted
Use SNMP communities to restrict access to the switch by SNMP management
stations by adding, editing, or deleting SNMP communities. You can configure
up to five SNMP communities, each with either an operator-level or a manager-
level view, and either restricted or unrestricted write access.
Using SNMP requires that the switch have an IP address and subnet mask
compatible with your network.