13–24 Programming Techniques
File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424
Printed Date : 2003/4/24 Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm
Stores loop–control number in i.
The next routine is L, a loop to collect all 12 known values for a 3x3
coefficient matrix (variables A – I) and the three constants (J – L) for the
Program Lines: Description:
This routine collects all known values in three
Prompts for and stores a number into the variable
addressed by i.
Adds 1 to i and repeats the loop until i reaches
When i exceeds the final counter value, execution
branches back to A.
Label J is a loop that completes the inversion of the 3
3 matrix.
Program Lines: Description:
This routine completes inverse by dividing by
Divides element.
Decrements index value so it points closer to A
Loops for next value.
Returns to the calling program or to
Equations with (i)
You can use (i) in an equation to specify a variable indirectly. Notice that
means the variable specified by the number in variable i (an indirect
reference), but that i or
means variable i.
The following program uses an equation to find the sum of the squares of
variables A through Z.
Program Lines: Description:
Begins the program.
Sets equations for execution.