Configuring the Switch
Load Balancing: Port Trunking
Configuring the Switch
then port A3 will be a member of the Blue VLAN instead of the original Red
However, if filters were in use on port A3, it will return to filtering as it did
before joining the trunk:
• If, for example, port A3 was configured with filters to drop specific
packets before it became a member of trunk 1 and . . .
• If trunk 1 was configured to forward those packets, then port A3 will
also forward the packets while it is a member of trunk 1.
• However, if you subsequently remove port A3 from trunk 1, then port
A3 will resume dropping the specific packets according to its original
filter configuration.
The Switches 1600M/2424M/4000M/8000M provide a broad set of port trunk-
ing capabilities that enable trunking with the HP switch products listed on the
next page. These switches also offer trunking interoperation with products
offered by some other vendors.
Note When this manual was released, an IEEE standard for port trunking was not
yet available. Thus, standards compliance cannot yet be used to determine
how successfully various vendors’ implementations of port trunking will
interoperate with the Switches 1600M/2424M/4000M/8000M. (However, note
that the Trunk option uses the IEEE 802.3 standards for auto-negotiating half-
or full-duplex operation and auto-sensing 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps links.) For more
on trunking to non-HP devices, see the Technical Support area of HP’s
ProCurve Networking website at www.hp.com/go/procurve.