Console switch serial management 76
When this configuration is complete, enter 0 to return to the Main Menu.
6. If you are using a static IPv6 address, perform the following steps:
a. To specify an IP address, select Option 3—IP Address.
b. To specify a prefix length, select Option 4—Prefix Length.
c. To specify a default gateway, select Option 5—Default Gateway.
When this configuration is complete, enter 0 to return to the Main Menu.
7. (Optional) To ping a specific IP address, select Option 7—Send ICMP Request.
8. To configure DNS settings, select Option—6 Configure DNS.
9. To exit to the Main Menu or to apply changes you made, select Option 0—Exit/Apply changes.
10. If you made any changes, reboot the console switch.
Recovering a lost console switch serial management
1. Establish a terminal session, and press the Enter key. You are prompted to enter the console switch
serial management password.
2. Enter HELP. A 16-bit key and the EID number of the console switch appear.