
Getting Started
Overview of Access Security Features
Allows access to the switch by a networked device having an IP
address previously configured in the switch as "authorized".
HP recommends that you use local passwords together with the switch’s other
security features to provide a more comprehensive security fabric than if you
use only the local password option.
Table 1 lists these features with the
security coverage they provide.
Table 1. Management Access Security Protection
Security Feature Offers Protection Against Unauthorized Client Access to
Switch Management Features
Offers Protection
Unauthorized Client
Access to the
Connection Telnet SNMP
(Net Mgmt)
Local Manager and Operator
Usernames and Passwords*
PtP: Yes No Yes Yes No
Remote: Yes No Yes Yes No
PtP: Yes No No Yes No
Remote: Yes No No Yes No
PtP: Yes No No Yes No
Remote: Yes No No Yes No
Ptp: Yes No No Yes No
Remote: Yes No No Yes No
PtP: No No Yes No No
Remote: No No Yes No No
Port-Based Access Control (802.1x)
PtP: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote: No No No No No
Port Security (MAC address)
PtP: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Authorized IP Managers
PtP: Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Remote: Yes Yes Yes Yes No
*Protection for serial port access includes the local Manager/Operator, TACACS+, and RADIUS options (direct connect
or modem access).
There are two security areas to protect: access to the switch management
features and access to the network through the switch. The above table shows
the type of protection each switch security feature offers.
The Product Documentation CD-ROM shipped with the switch includes a
copy of this guide. You can also download the latest copy from the HP
Procurve website. (Refer to
“Getting Documentation From the Web”, below.)