
included 6
settings 20, 223
switching, PCL commands 258
viewing installed 106
phone numbers
ordering supplies iii
service agreements iv
support iii
pickup rollers, replacing 115
PJL (Printer Job Language) commands 253
platforms supported 26, 27
portrait orientation
duplexing options 73
PCL commands 257
included 6
locating 10
LPT error messages 184
troubleshooting Macintosh 186, 189
output bin, selecting 56
printing 68
specifications 38
PostScript error pages
settings 215
troubleshooting 122
PostScript Printer Description (PPD) files
included 30
troubleshooting 185
PostScript, setting as printer language 20, 223
consumption 263
specifications 233
power consumption 7
power switch, locating 8
included 30
troubleshooting 185
preconfiguration, driver 99
preprinted paper
fuser modes 218
printing on 65
prepunched paper
fuser modes 218
printing on 65
print cartridges
EconoMode 219
Economode 81
features 7
life expectancy 110
low 22, 223
low toner message 110
non-HP 109
ordering iii
out 23, 224
out of toner message 111
paper jams 135
part numbers 199
recycling 263
status information 109
status, viewing with embedded Web server 91
status, viewing with HP Toolbox 95
storing 109
supplies status page 107
supply level, checking 110
print jobs
formatted incorrectly 125
not printing, troubleshooting 122
retention 15, 221
stopped, troubleshooting 124
print quality
settings 81, 219
troubleshooting 172
Print Quality menu 216
print quality, troubleshooting
repetitive images 182
printer commands
escape sequences 254, 255
font selection 255, 259
PCL 256
syntax 254
types of 253
Printer Dialog Extensions (PDEs), Macintosh 30
printer drivers. See drivers
printer language
switching, PCL commands 258
printer languages
included 6
printer maintenance kit
message, clearing 227
part number 199
using 115
viewing installed 106
Printing menu 213
private jobs 86
processor speed 6
proof-and-hold jobs 85
ProRes 5, 81
ProRes resolution 219
PS Defer Media setting 19
PS driver
features 28
operating system supported 27
See also drivers
PS error pages
settings 215
troubleshooting 122
PS font list, printing 107, 208
PS, setting as printer language 20, 223
punched paper
fuser modes 218
printing on 65
ENWW Index 285