
Index 51
Internet Protocol (IP) 11
IP (Internet Protocol) 11
IP address assignment 15
IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) 5,
11, 27, 29, 33, 34, 40, 41, 42
IPMI support 27
key, public 21
kit contents 7
Linux, console redirection 44
LO100 settings 19
LO100, logging in through browser 28
LO100, remote management 19
LO100c connectors 8, 9
logging in 28, 29
logging in, through a browser 28
logging in, through the CLP 29
main menu functions 29
manangement card, installing 8, 9
medium access control (MAC) 41
monitoring sensors 32
network access 11
network access, configuring 11
network interface controller (NIC) 5, 7, 12, 13, 36,
40, 48
network settings 11, 36
network settings, configuring through the BIOS
setup 37
network settings, configuring through the CLP 36
NIC (network interface controller) 5, 7, 12, 13, 36,
operational overview 5
overview, CLP 22
overview, server management 5
overview, SSH 20
overview, SSL 19
password, changing through a browser 42
password, changing through the CLP 43
passwords 42
PEF entires, 33
Platform Event Filtering (PEF) 33, 41
POST (Power-On Self Test) 9, 11
post-installation procedures 9
power control options 31
power cycle server 30
powering on/off 30, 31, 32
Power-On Self Test (POST) 9, 11
preinstallation, guidelines 7
priveleges, user 42
processors 30
public key 21
RBSU (ROM-Based Setup Utility) 34
reboot, server 41
remote console, using 43
remote management card connectors 8, 9
remote management processor, logging in through
CLP 29
remote management, browser main menu 29
remote server power, controlling 31, 32
requirements, SSH 20
ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) 34
ROMPaq utility 16
safety considerations 7
Secure Shell (SSH) 20, 21, 22, 29
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 21
sensor data, BIOS access 32
sensor data, browser access 32
sensor data, viewing 32
serial port 12
serial port, BIOS console configuration 13
serial port, enabling 12
server management 5
settings, network 36
settings, PEF 33
settings, power options 31
side-band connection 14
SMASH (System Management Architecture for Server
Hardware) 5, 22
SSH (Secure Shell) 20, 21, 22, 29
SSL, (Secure Sockets Layer) 21