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Scanning from the XPA
You can scan 35 mm slides or negatives using the XPA.
See the Setup and Support Guide for information about installing the
See "Items for the XPA" on page 16 for information about preparing
items for the XPA.
Scanning slides
To scan standard 35 mm slides, use the XPA light source and the
positioning plate. When scanning fewer than three slides, you also
need the slide light shield.
To scan slides
1 With the XPA light source connected to its port on the scanner,
restart the software.
2 Place the positioning plate on the scanner glass so the arrow is in
the upper right-hand corner. Push the positioning plate toward the
top right corner.
Tip Do not use the XPA to scan a letter-size item, such
as a presentation transparency. Place the
transparent item on the scanner glass, place a white
piece of paper on top, and scan as you normally
would using the Scanner Glass command on the
Scan menu.