
Index 99
features, E500 33
features, model specific 33
features, P212 34
features, P222 34
features, P400 34
features, P410 34
features, P411 33
features, P420 34
features, P421 33
features, P700m 35
features, P711m 35
features, P712m 35
features, P721m 35
features, P800 35
features, P812 35
features, P822 35
features, standard 32
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
notice 90, 91
firmware, updating 45
grounding methods 89
guidelines, replacing drives 83
Insight Diagnostics 46
installing device drivers 45
installing Management Agents 46
installing the batteries 53
internal drives, installing 39
Japanese notice 93
Korean notices 93
LEDs, battery pack 28
LEDs, controller 16
LEDs, drive 79
LEDs, E500 18
LEDs, FBWC module 26, 27
LEDs, P212 17
LEDs, P222 19
LEDs, P400 18
LEDs, P410 17
LEDs, P411 17, 20
LEDs, P420 19
LEDs, P700m 21
LEDs, p711m 22
LEDs, P712m 22
LEDs, P721m 23
LEDs, P800 23
LEDs, P812 25
LEDs, P822 26
logical drive capacity extension 87
logical drives, maximum number of 32
memory capacity convention 30
methods for updating firmware 45
mezzanine controller, installing 40
modifications, FCC notice 91
moving drives 86
ORCA (Option ROM Configuration for Arrays) 43,
parallel SCSI drives, compatibility of 39
physical drives, maximum number of 33
POST error messages 46, 82
power requirements 33
previously configured server, installation in 38, 41
RAID levels 30
RBSU (ROM-Based Setup Utility) 44
rebuild, abnormal termination of 85
rebuild, description of 83
rebuild, time required for 84
regulatory compliance notices 90, 93, 94
replacing the batteries 48, 54, 56, 65
replacing the cache module 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 60,
63, 64, 70, 73, 77
replacing the capacitor pack 59
replacing the controller 70
required hardware 31
runtime LEDs 16
SAS replacement 83
SATA replacement 83