Page 3-7
For example, in ALG mode, the keystroke sequence to calculate, say,
tanh(2.5), is the following:
„´4 @@OK@@ 5 @@OK@@ 2.5`
In the RPN mode, the keystrokes to perform this calculation are the following:
2.5`„´4 @@OK@@ 5 @@OK@@
The operations shown above assume that you are using the default setting for
system flag 117 (CHOOSE boxes). If you have changed the setting of this flag
(see Chapter 2) to SOFT menu, the MTH menu will show as follows (left-hand
side in ALG mode, right –hand side in RPN mode):
Pressing L shows the remaining options:
Thus, to select, for example, the hyperbolic functions menu, with this menu
format press )@@HYP@ , to produce: