
Table 1-4 Tools and Options for Monitoring Memory Use (continued)
Description and UsageTool
Used to enable logging of garbage collection information.
The HP-only -Xverbosegc option generates additional
GC information that is used by HPjtune. It is preferable
to use -Xverbosegc instead of -verbose:gc.
-Xverbosegc (HP only) and -verbose:gc
This third-party tool may be used to perform Java heap
Used to monitor and manage an application launched
with a management agent on a local or remote machine.
jconsole (1.5+ only)
1.1.5 Performance Tools
The following tools are useful for identifying where the application spends its time. Some tools
allow you to monitor performance in real time (dynamic analysis) and other tools allow you to
analyze captured profiling data (static analysis):
Table 1-5 Performance Tools
Description and UsageTool
Use statically collected eprof data to understand where
the application is spending time. Use dynamic real-time
monitoring to identify performance issues.
HP's GC visualization tool for analyzing garbage
collection activity statically collected in a Java program.
Attaches to the Java VM and collects and logs performance
statistics dynamically.
jstat (1.5+ only)
Launches a simple console tool enabling you to
dynamically monitor and manage an application launched
with a management agent on a local or remote machine.
jconsole (1.5+ only)
Simple static profiler agent used for heap and CPU
1.1.6 Miscellaneous Tools and Options
The following tools and options do not fall into any of the previous categories:
Table 1-6 Miscellaneous Tools and Options
Description and UsageTool or Option
Used to augment the options specified in the Java
command line.
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS Environment Variable
Tools include jps, jstat, and jstatd. These tools are
included with JDK 1.5+.
jvmstat Tools
Uses jvmstat technology to provide visualization of
garbage collection activity in the Java VM.
Enables logging of class loading and unloading.-verbose:class
Enables logging of JNI (Java Native Interface).-verbose:jni
Performs additional validation on the arguments passed
to JNI functions.
1.1 HP-UX Java Tools and Options Tables 15