Table 16-4 Data viewing and modification commands (continued)
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB Command
Print address using specified for-
p/format &exprp expr?format
Print static members of class
No equivalentp class::
Inquire what language is used
show languagep $lang
Print value of next/previous
memory location using format
Use x/format command to
obtain initial value, then use x
with no argument to obtain value
of next memory location. To
obtain value of previous memory
location, use "x $_ - 1".
p {+ | -}[\format
Evaluate using the specified
set expr, set var exprpq expr
Determine address using specified
No equivalent
pq expr?format
Evaluate static members of classNo equivalent
pq class::
Evaluate next/previous memory
location using format
No equivalent
pq {+ | -}[\format
16.1.6 Stack viewing commands
The GDB concept of the top and bottom of the stack is the opposite of XDB, so the XDB
up is GDB down.
The following table lists the XDB and equivalent WDB commands for viewing the stack
Table 16-5 Stack viewing commands
MeaningWDB EquivalentXDB Command
View procedure one level nearer
outermost frame of stack (higher
View procedure number levels
nearer outermost frame of stack
up numberdown number
Print stack trace to depth
t [depth] (with -xdb), bt
t [depth]
Print stack trace and show local
T [depth] (with -xdb),
bt full [depth]
T [depth]
View procedure at innermost
frame of stack
frame 0top
258 XDB to WDB Transition Guide