Chapter 7 | Customizing your HP Jornada | 125
Adding fonts
Your HP Jornada comes with a selection of built-in fonts.
You can add Windows fonts (.fon files) or TrueType fonts (.ttf
files) to your HP Jornada for use in Pocket Word documents
and Pocket Excel spreadsheets. Because fonts take up a
significant amount of storage memory, install only the fonts
you need, and delete those you do not need. (The built-in fonts
cannot be deleted.)
To add fonts
1. Connect your HP Jornada to a desktop PC, and then
start Windows CE Services.
2. In Windows Explorer on the desktop PC, select the
font files you want to copy.
3. Drag the font files to the Windows folder on your HP
Jornada. If you are copying a Windows font, you will
be prompted to select the point sizes and styles you
want to copy.
Adding sounds
Your HP Jornada can play sounds (.wav files). You can
copy a Wave sound file from your desktop PC to your
HPJornada without converting the file. If you want to use a
sound as part of a sound scheme or to signal an alarm or a
reminder, copy the sound file to the Windows folder on your
HP Jornada. For more information, see the Setting Alarms
topic in online Help.