To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enable the current user interface to
support SSH
protocol inbound { all | ssh }
By default, Telnet and SSH are
Enable command authorization command authorization
• By default, command
authorization is not enabled.
• By default, command level for a
login user depends on the user
privilege level. The user is
authorized the command with
the default level not higher than
the user privilege level. With
the command authorization
configured, the command level
for a login user is determined
by both the user privilege level
and AAA authorization. If a
user executes a command of
the corresponding command
level, the authorization server
checks whether the command is
authorized. If yes, the
command can be executed.
Enable command accounting command accounting
• By default, command
accounting is disabled. The
accounting server does not
record the commands executed
by users.
• Command accounting allows
the HWTACACS server to
record all executed commands
that are supported by the
device, regardless of the
command execution result. This
helps control and monitor user
operations on the device. If
command accounting is
enabled and command
authorization is not enabled,
every executed command is
recorded on the HWTACACS
server. If both command
accounting and command
authorization are enabled, only
the authorized and executed
commands are recorded on the
HWTACACS server.
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