Upgrading system software through a system
Follow these steps to upgrade system software through a system reboot:
To do… Use the command… Remarks
Save the system software image to
the root directory of the Flash of the
switch by using FTP, TFTP, or other
For more information about FTP
or TFTP, see the chapters “FTP
configuration” and “TFTP
Specify system software image to
be used at the next boot of the
boot-loader file file-url slot slot-number
{ main | backup }
Available in user view.
Reboot the switch reboot [ slot slot-number ]
The slot keyword specifies the ID
of a switch. The switch ID can
only be 1.
Available in user view.
• You must save the file to be used at the next switch boot in the root directory of the switch. You can cop
or move a file to change the path of it to the root directory.
• To execute the boot-loader command successfully, save the file to be used at the next device boot in
storage media’s root directory on the switch.
Software upgrade by installing hotfixes
Hotfix can repair software defects of the current version without rebooting the device, protecting the
running services of the device from being interrupted.
Basic concepts in hotfix
Patch and patch file
A patch, also called “patch unit”, is a package used to fix software defects. Patches are usually released
as patch files. A patch file may contain one or more patches for different defects. After loaded from the
storage medium to the memory patch area, each patch is assigned a unique number, which starts from
1, for identification, management and operation. For example, if a patch file has three patch units, they
are numbered as 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
Incremental patch
An incremental patch means that the patch is dependent on the previous patch units. For example, if a
patch file has three patch units, patch 3 can be run only after patch 1 and 2 take effect. You cannot run
patch 3 separately.
Currently released patches are all incremental patches.