Glossary–4 edge switch 2/16 service manual
application-specific integrated circuit
ASIC. An asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) local area network/ wide area network
(LAN/WAN) circuit using cell relay transport technology. ASICs are designed for a specific
application or purpose, such as implementing the lower-layer Fibre Channel protocol (FC-0).
They are particularly suited to sending video and audio information, as well as text. ASICs
differ from general-purpose devices such as memory chips or microprocessors.
(1) To copy files to a long-term storage medium for backup. (2) Removing data, usually old or
inactive files, from a system and permanently storing the data on removable media to reclaim
system hard disk space.
The second byte of the node port (N_Port) identifier.
See American National Standard Code for Information Interchange.
See application-specific integrated circuit.
In S/390 mode, the connection status of the address on a configuration matrix: allowed,
blocked, or prohibited.
Audit Log
Log summarizing actions (audit trail) made by the user. There are two types of Audit Logs: the
director or switch Audit Log, and the HAFM Audit Log.
(1) Director or switch Audit Log. Log displayed through the Product Manager application that
provides a history of all configuration changes made to an individual director or switch from
the respective Product Manager application, a simple network management protocol (SNMP)
management workstation, a Fibre Connection (FICON) or open systems host, or the
maintenance port. This information is useful for administrators and users. Contrast with
HAFM Audit Log. See also Event Log; Hardware Log; Link Incident Log; Threshold Alert
(2) See HAFM Audit Log.
The accessibility of a computer system or network resource.