
Turn on the PC.
(If the Garmin GPS 12 XL Receiver is used: Turn the receiver
on, (the small red button with a drawing of a light bulb).) The
Network Time Server is the preferred time source.
Shut down all light in the camera hut.
Remove the lens cover at the camera unit.
Turn on the power on the backside of the camera, and on the
camera control unit.
On the PC, start the PMIS program. Verify the RS-232
communication with the "User->COMOPEN 1" , (Press User in the
menubar, and the parameter is 1) . If the camera does not
answer with "HOME:1" restart the computer.
Then when "User->COMOPEN 1" replies with "HOME:1" the
communication with the camera is working.
Close the communication with "User->COMCLOSE"
Close the two windows: SI 512 camera and the one with 8x16 icon
In the PMIS Window:
Image -> NewImage
A new black image window appears.
Press the ACC2 icon. Now the ACC2 window appears.
The UT time is shown in upper right corner of the ACC2 window.
It should show UT and have the format:
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Mark: It is important that the time has exactly this format,
not . or , instead of the - and : ‘s.
If necessary (and the Garmin GPS 12XL receiver is not used)
correct the time with the Windows95 Control Panel Date/Time.
In the ACC window: Press OpenCom
Then when the "HOME:1" shows up in the PMIS window
press the Start button in the ACC2 window.
Now if the run file, the timer file and the sequence file