HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Error Messages 189Appendix B
532 Cannot achieve requested resolution
The multimeter cannot achieve the requested measurement resolution. You
may have specified an invalid resolution in the
CONFigure or MEASure
540 Cannot use overload as math reference
The multimeter cannot store an overload reading (9.90000000E+37) as the
math reference for null or dB measurements. The math state is turned off as
a result of this condition.
Self-Test Errors The following errors indicate failures that may occur during a self-test.
The error message provides a description of the failure. Refer to the
HP E1312A and HP E1412A Service Manual for more information.
602 RAM read/write failed
603 A/D sync stuck
604 A/D slope convergence failed
605 Cannot calibrate rundown gain
606 Rundown gain out of range
607 Rundown too noisy
609 DC gain x1 failed
610 DC gain x10 failed
611 DC gain x100 failed
612 Ohms 500nA source failed
613 Ohms 5µA source failed
614 DC 300V zero failed
615 Ohms 10µA source failed
616 DC current sense failed
617 Ohms 100µA source failed
618 DC high voltage attenuator failed
619 Ohms 1mA source failed
620 AC rms zero failed