The SYSTem subsystem returns error numbers/messages in the error queue
of a switchbox, and returns module types and descriptions in a switchbox.
Subsystem Syntax SYSTem
:CDEScription? <
> |
:ERRor? SYSTem:ERRor? returns the error numbers/messages in the error queue of
a switchbox. See Appendix C for error message information.
Comments • Error Numbers/Messages in the Error Queue: Each error
generated by a switchbox stores an error number and corresponding
error message in the error queue. The error number is always
negative and the error message can be up to 255 characters long.
• Clearing the Error Queue: An error number/message is removed
from the queue each time the
SYSTem:ERRor? command is sent.
The errors are cleared first-in, first-out. When the queue is empty,
each following
SYSTem:ERRor? command returns 0, “No error”.
To clear all error numbers/messages in the queue, execute
• Maximum Error Numbers/Messages in the Error Queue: The
queue holds a maximum of 30 error numbers/messages for each
switchbox. If it overflows, the last error in the queue is replaced by
-350, “Too many errors”. The least recent error numbers/messages
remain in the queue and the most recent are discarded.
Example Reading the Error Queue
SYST:ERR? ! Query the error queue
:CDEScription? SYSTem:CDEScription? <number> returns the description of a selected
module (card) in a switchbox.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
<number> numeric 1-99
Comments • RF Multiplexers Module Description:
SYST:CDESciption? <number> command returns: “50 Ohm RF
” for the HP E1366A or “75 Ohm RF Mux” for the HP E1367A.
Example Reading the Description of a Card #1 Module
SYST:CDES? 1 ! Return the description
:CTYPe? SYSTem:CTYPe? <number> returns the module (card) type of a selected
module in a switchbox.
54 HP E1366A/E1367A RF Multiplexers Command Reference Chapter 5