Example: Transfer
Switch Using One
5-Port Switch
This example shows how to configure the HP E1369A Microwave Switch
Driver with a 5-port switch (HP 33313 or 8764) installed, to either route a
signal directly to the output, or route it through an external device before
being output. For the example, one switch (channel 02) will be used.
Figure 3-6 shows how to connect channel 02.
To route the signal directly, execute:
OPEN (@102) Connects port 3 to port 2 and
routes the signal directly to the
To route the signal through the external device, execute:
CLOS (@102) Connects port 1 to port 2 and port
3 to port 4 routing the signal
through the external device to the
Comments The one channel 5-port transfer switch example does not terminate the
External Device into 50Ω when not connected to the input.
Figure 3-6. Example: Transfer Switch (one channel)
Chapter 3 Using the HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules 37