FC1142SR and FC1242SR DC 4Gb PCI Express host bus adapters for Linux and Windows installation guide 29
A descriptions of each setting follows:
• Execution Throttle—The maximum number of commands executing on one port. When a
port’s execution throttle value is reached, no new commands are executed until the current
command finishes executing. Values for this setting are 1–256. The default is 16.
• Luns per Target—The number of LUNs per target. Multiple LUN support is typically for RAID
arrays that use LUNs to map drives. The default is 128. If you do not need multiple LUN support,
set the number of LUNs to 0.
• Enable LIP Reset—The type of loop initialization process (LIP) reset used when the operating
system initiates a bus reset routine. When this setting is Yes, the driver initiates a global LIP reset
to clear the target device reservations. When this setting is No, the driver initiates a global LIP
reset with full login. The default is No.
• Enable LIP Full Login—Instructs the ISP chip to log in to all ports after LIP. The default is Yes.
• Enable Target Reset—Enables drivers to issue a Target Reset command to all devices on
the loop when a SCSI Bus Reset command is issued. The default is No.
• Login Retry Count—The number of times the software tries to log in to a device. The default
is 8.
• Port Down Retry Count—The number of times the software issues a command to a port
returning port down status. The default is 16 retries.
• Link Down Timeout—The number of seconds the software waits for a link to come up or go
down. Values for this setting are 0–255 seconds. The default is 8.
• Operation Mode—Specifies the reduced interrupt operation (RIO) mode, if supported by the
driver. The RIO mode allows multiple command completions in a single interrupt. The modes
• 0–Interrupt for every I/O completion (default)
• 5–Interrupt when Interrupt Delay timer expires
• 6–Interrupt when Interrupt Delay timer expires or there is no active I/O
• Interrupt Delay Timer—The wait time in 200-microsecond increments used by the timer to
set the wait time between interrupts. Values for this setting are 0–255 seconds. The default is 0.
Restore Default Settings
This option restores the HBA default settings.
Raw NVRAM Data
This option displays the HBA’s NVRAM contents in hexadecimal format. This is a troubleshooting
tool; you cannot modify the data.
Operation Mode 0, 5, 6 0
Interrupt Delay Timer 0–255 0
Table 6 Advanced Adapter Settings (continued)
Setting Options Default