
Runtime switching software default settings 40
Table 12 Switch A and Switch B: general default settings
Setting Value
Bridge Hello Time 2 seconds
Bridge Forward Delay 15 seconds
Bridge Priority 32768
MAC Address Aging Time 300 seconds
Port Priority 128
Path Cost 4
Static VLAN Entry Default VLAN (VID = 1)
Port VID 1 for all ports
Port Trunking Trunk Group 1, Enabled with Port 17
and 18
Port Trunking Load Sharing Algorithm The algorithm selects the following as forwarding ports for forwarding traffic:
1 For forwarding IP Packets—modulus of XOR of last 3 bits of Source and last 3
bits of Destination IP address
2 For forwarding non-IP packets—modulus of XOR of last 3 bits of Source and
last 3 bits of Destination MAC address
3 For forwarding broadcast, multicast packets, and unknown unicast packets—
the lowest active port number in the trunk group
Port Mirroring—Mirror Status Disabled
Port Mirroring—Mirror Port None Selected
Port Mirroring—Mirror Port Traffic
None Selected
Port Mirroring—Monitoring Port None Selected
SNMP Read/Write
SNMP System Name None
SNMP System Location None
SNMP System Contact None
SNMP Community String/Access Right Public = read-only
Private = read/write
SNMP Trap Host 1
SNMP Trap Host 1 Community String Public
SNMP Trap Host 2
SNMP Trap Host 2 Community String Public
SNMP Authentication Traps Disabled
SNMP Link Up/Down Traps Enabled
Security IP Network/Mask
TFTP Server IP Address
TFTP Port Number 69
Firmware Upgrade File name = none
Configuration File from TFTP Server File name = none
Configuration File to TFTP Server File name = none
PING Tool Target address = undefined
Default tries = 5
Trace Route Tools Target address = undefined
Serial Port Baud Rate 9600