
Using ActiveSync
User’s Guide 9–5
November 26, 2003 11:47 am
c. On the Rules tab, determine how conflicts between
information on your Pocket PC and information on your
computer are handled.
2. Tap OK when you are finished.
3. From the File menu, click Connection Settings. Select the
type of connection to be allowed between the Pocket PC and
the computer.
Copying Files
You can copy files to and from your computer using Explore in
ActiveSync and Windows Explorer.
To copy files:
1. Insert your Pocket PC into the desktop cradle.
2. From the Start menu on your computer, click Programs >
Microsoft ActiveSync.
3. Click Explore.
4. Double-click the My Pocket PC icon.
5. On your computer, right-click the Start menu, and select
6. Locate the file to be moved.
NOTE: You cannot copy preinstalled files or system files.