6-9. Oscilloscope Module Removal and Replacement
The effects of ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE can damage electronic compo-
nents. Use grounded wrist straps and mats when you are performing any kind of
service on this module.
When you need to remove and replace a module, test the module first to determine the faulty part. If
either of the trigger cables are faulty, remove the faulty cable and replace it with a new one. Refer to para-
graph 6-10 for procedures to remove and replace a faulty cable. If either of the attenuators are faulty, re-
move the faulty attenuator and replace it with a new one. Refer to paragraph 6-11 for procedures to re-
move and replace a faulty attenuator.
Oscilloscope Module Removal Procedure:
Do not install, remove or replace the module in the instrument unless the instru-
ment power is turned off.
1. Turn off the instrument power switch, unplug the power cord, and disconnect any input or output
2. Starting from the top, loosen the thumb screws on the filler panels and the cards. See figure 6-11.
3. Starting from the top, pull out the cards and the filler panels halfway.
4. Pull out the oscilloscope module completely.
Figure 6-11. Endplate Overlap - Top Sequence
HP 16532A - Service