
Page TOC-4
The PARTFRAC function, 5-11
The FCOEF function, 5-11
The FROOTS function, 5-12
Step-by-step operations with polynomials and fractions, 5-12
Reference, 5-13
Chapter 6 – Solution to equations
, 6-1
Symbolic solution of algebraic equations, 6-1
Function ISOL, 6-1
Function SOLVE, 6-2
Function SOLVEVX, 6-4
Function ZEROS, 6-4
Numerical solver menu, 6-5
Polynomial Equations, 6-6
Finding the solution to a polynomial equation, 6-6
Generating polynomial coefficients given the
polynomial’s roots, 6-7
Generating an algebraic expression for the polynomial, 6-8
Financial calculations, 6-9
Solving equations with one unknown through NUM.SLV, 6-9
Function STEQ, 6-9
Solution to simultaneous equations with MSLV, 6-10
Reference, 6-12
Chapter 7 – Operations with lists
, 7-1
Creating and storing lists, 7-1
Operations with lists of numbers, 7-1
Changing sign, 7-1
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, 7-2
Functions applied to lists, 7-3
Lists of complex numbers, 7-4
Lists of algebraic objects, 7-4
The MTH/LIST menu, 7-4
The SEQ function, 7-6
The MAP function, 7-6
Reference, 7-6