Page 19-3
0 *!!!!!!X0!!!!!+ 0 *!!!!!!Y0!!!!!+ 50 *!!!!!!Ô0!!!!!+
Step 3:
Solve for the velocity, v
. (You solve for a variable by pressing
! and then the variable’s menu key.)
Step 4:
Recall the range, R, divide by 2 to get the halfway distance,
and enter that as the x-coordinate. Notice that pressing the
right-shifted version of a variable’s menu key causes the
calculator to recall its value to the stack. (The small square next
to the R on the menu label indicates that it was used in the
previous calculation.)
@ ##R#-
Step 5:
Solve for the height, y. Notice that the calculator finds values for
other variables as needed (shown by the small squares) in
order to solve for the specified variable.
! *!!!!!!Y!!!!!+
Step 6:
Enter the new value for the elevation angle (30 degrees), store
the previously computed initial velocity (v
) and then solve for R.
30 ##¢0#-
™L *!!!!!!V0!!!!!+
! *!!!!!!!!R!!!!!!!+
SG49A.book Page 3 Friday, September 16, 2005 1:31 PM