Chapter 4: Using HP Instant Share 105
4 Use the buttons to scroll
to the destination that you want
to select in the Share All Images
sub-menu, and press the Menu/
OK button. The Share All Images
icon appears beside the
selected destination, and a
appears over the destination. To deselect the destination,
press the Menu/OK button again.
5 Repeat step 4 to select any additional HP Instant Share
destinations for all of the images in internal memory or on
an optional memory card.
6 When you are finished selecting all of the HP Instant Share
destinations for your images, select EXIT to return to the
HP Instant Share Menu.
7 Press the HP Instant Share button again to exit the
HP Instant Share Menu.
8 Connect the camera to your computer and transfer the
images as explained in Transferring Images to a Computer
on page 109. Once the images are transferred to your
computer, they will be sent automatically to the HP Instant
Share destinations. Macintosh users will need to add
addressing information for their HP Instant Share
destinations before the images and messages can be sent.