
Chapter 4
Removal and Replacement
Shutting Down nPartitions and Powering Off Hardware Components
For example, the shutdown -h 240 command will shut down and halt HP-UX on the nPartition
after waiting for a grace period of four minutes (240 seconds).
To reboot the nPartition after it is halted, use the MP Command menu’s RS command to restart the
nPartition. (This allows the nPartition to reset and boot to its BCH interface; if auto-boot is
configured it also boots HP-UX.)
Powering Off Hardware Components
This procedure is for powering off and powering on components that are to be removed and replaced.
Step 1. Login to the server’s service processor (MP).
Step 2. If the component you will power off is assigned to an nPartition, then use the Virtual Front Panel
(VFP) to view the current boot state of the nPartition.
HP-UX on the nPartition must be shut down before you power off any of the hardware assigned to
the nPartition.
Once you are certain the nPartition is not running HP-UX, you can power off components that
belong to the nPartition.
Refer to the procedure Shutting Down an nPartition for details on determining the nPartition boot
state and shutting down HP-UX.
Step 3. Access the MP Command menu.
From the MP Main menu enter CM to access the Command menu.
Step 4. Use the MP Command menu’s PS command to check details about the hardware component you
plan to power off.
The PS command enables you to check the status of the cabinet, system backplane, MP Core I/O,
PCI power domains — or bricks — in the I/O card cage, and cells.
Step 5. Use the MP Command menu’s PE command to power off the hardware component.
Using the PE command you can power on or off the cabinet (including all cells and I/O in the
cabinet), individual cells, or PCI power domains (bricks).
Using the Command menu’s PE command to manage cabinet power is equivalent to using the front
panel power switch.
Step 6. If you need to disable all power in the entire cabinet, you also must disconnect all power cords in
order to disable all housekeeping power.
NOTE Ensure that all power cords are labeled to indicate which receptacle each cord plugs
into. Because of power redundancy capabilities it is important that each power cord
plugs into its proper receptacle.
Also, ensure that the cabinet power has been turned off before disconnecting any
power cords.
Step 7. Perform the hardware removal and replacement procedure for the powered off component.
Step 8. If needed, reconnect all power cords to the receptacles where they belong.