User’s Guide 6–8
To access the following programs, tap Start > Settings
> Connections tab, then the name of the program.
Application Function
Beam Allows you to determine whether or not to
automatically receive all incoming infrared
Bluetooth Turn Bluetooth on or off or establish a new
Bluetooth connection.
Bluetooth Phone Manager Manages Internet connections for your Pocket
PC in line with your cell phone and your cell
phone service provider. Also simplifies the
Bluetooth pairing procedure between your
Pocket PC and your cell phone.
Microsoft Connections Connects your Pocket PC to the Internet and
intranet to browse Web sites, sends and
receives e-mail, and synchronizes information
using ActiveSync.
iPAQ Wireless Provides a centralized control to all wireless
features on your Pocket PC. Allows you to turn
all wireless features on and off and configure
settings for the Wireless Local Area Network
(WLAN), Bluetooth, etc.
LEAP Allows you to establish LEAP connection
settings if your network uses this security
Network Cards Configure your network adapters if you use
your network card in two places such as work
and home.