
nothing prints 121
paper-feed problems 127
power 120
print 120
print quality 123
receive faxes 142, 144
scan 129
scan quality 131
self-test report 68
send faxes 142, 144, 146
skewed copies 135
skewed pages 128
slow print 121
tips 119
scan from 36
unable to activate
source 131
uninstall software
Mac OS 103
Windows 102
USB connection
features available 14
port, locating 10, 11
setup Mac OS 95
specifications 165
vertical stripes on copies,
troubleshoot 135
speed-dial entries 32
voice mail
set up with fax (parallel
phone systems) 78
set up with fax and
computer modem
(parallel phone
systems) 90
voltage specifications 168
wall jack test, fax 137
warning messages 17
warranty 157, 160
Web sites
accessibility information 3
Apple 96
customer support 158
order supplies and
accessories 155
supply yield data sheet 165
wireless security 98
white bands or stripes,
copies 135
scans 132
WIA (Windows Image
Application), scan from 36
borderless printing 29
HP Photosmart Software 18
HP Solution Center 18
install software 93
print on special or custom-
sized media 28
print settings 33
set up wireless
communication 99
sharing device 94
system requirements 165
uninstall software 102
Windows Image Application
(WIA), scan from 36
wireless button 14
wireless communication
Ethernet setup 99
reducing interference 100
regulatory information 176
security 100
set up 96
set up on Mac OS 99
settings 97
turn off 100
wizard 98
wireless test report
print 100